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Classics @ The Presby

Concerts of Light Classics in a Variety of Musical Styles

Always Free and Always Entertaining


Located at First Presbyterian Church

1250 Watson Road

Mount Pleasant, Michigan


Concerts are Sundays at 4:00 pm

"The Word of the Poet"


We are at our final concert of our 11th season. Our guests are Dr. Matthew Roth, poet, and his wife, Kerry Harker-Roth, violist, who will be traveling from Pennsylvania to perform this concert. The multi-media concert will feature the poetry of Dr. Roth combined with the music of his wife, accompanied by photography that they both have taken. It will be a fascinating and unique concert experience!


Sunday, April 21st at 4:00 pm at  First Presbyterian Church, Mount Pleasant. And, as always, free. Hope to see you there!


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